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Qiandongnan Technician College new campus construction project (Phase III) elevator engineering equipment installation procurement professional subcontracting bidding announcement
Source: Website   时间:2023-11-02 15:23:07    阅读:5013

Qiandongnan Technician College new campus construction project (Phase III) elevator engineering equipment installation and procurement of professional subcontracting招标公告


Due to construction needs,现对Qiandongnan Technician College new campus construction project (Phase III) elevator engineering equipment installation and procurement of professional subcontractingOpen bidding is held and potential interested parties are invitedConstruction crewTo participate in this bidding, the relevant matters are announced as follows:

1. Bidding Unit:Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Construction (Group) Co., LTD

Ii. Bidding project name:Qiandongnan Technician College new campus construction project (Phase III) elevator engineering equipment installation and procurement of professional subcontracting招标。

Iii. Contracting Methods:The contents of this professional drawing are all inclusive

Iv. Scope of contract:Elevator engineering

V. Project quantity:9台(For construction drawings, please contact the contact person of the project department)

Detailed requirements can be found in the tender documents。

六、Quotation method:Quoted at the floating rate of the settlement audit price

七、Provide business license, provide general taxpayer certificate。

, Registration time:2023112——2023年116日(17:30)

, registration location and registration contact information:

1. 1816, Floor 18, Office building, Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Construction (Group) Co., LTD., No. 8, Wenhua South Road, Kaili City, China李锐15329557745

2、Qiandongnan Technician College New Campus Construction Project (Phase III)Project department, contact personRight of opening18385838986


Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Construction (Group) Co., LTD

Internal bidding work leading group
