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Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Group Company held the opening ceremony of 2023 pre-exam training for first-level construction engineers
Source: Website   时间:2023-07-17 08:40:49    阅读:4342

  In order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, enhance the skills and qualities of talents, do a good job in the construction of the company's professional talent team, cultivate a group of comprehensive talents who understand management, understand technology and have high comprehensive quality, and promote the high-quality development of the company。On July 11, the Group company held the opening ceremony of 2023 first-level construction engineer pre-exam training in the conference room on the 19th floor。Group company deputy Party secretary, general manager Feng Anxiang, deputy Party secretary Wang Li, company consultant Wu Dadi attended the opening ceremony, Feng Anxiang made a mobilization speech at the opening ceremony and introduced the training teachers。

  Feng Anxiang stressed that in order to ensure the smooth forensics of first-level construction test preparation personnel, the group attaches great importance to the training, carefully organized arrangements, hope to participate in the training comrades should cherish the training opportunity, and put forward three requirements for the training work, one is to effectively improve awareness, enhance the sense of urgency and sense of mission。We should take learning as an important indicator and task, and really attach great importance to this training in thought and action。The second is to correct the learning attitude and take learning as a personal habit。To learn and ponder, learn and have, learn to apply, with diligent learning attitude as the way to progress, as an important way to improve ability and quality。The third is to be good at associating with reality and constantly improving work ability。It is necessary to transform the learned knowledge into the ability to carry out work, with problem learning, combining work learning, and associating with practice learning。Be diligent in thinking, put the problems encountered in the work in your mind, and find the answers from the knowledge you have learned。Be willing to discuss and communicate with each other and learn from each other。We should be good at using the knowledge to improve the work effect, improve the work method, and improve the work efficiency。(Song Youlin)